Galleria Verolino - Chi Siamo

Who we are.

Driven by his inborn passion for art, Antonio Verolino established Galleria Antonio Verolino in the heart of Modena in 2015, having previously built up the necessary experience by working for the prestigious family business, which is a nationally and internationally renowned authority on antique carpets and tapestries. This laid the foundations for his decision to combine contemporary art with the medium of textiles.
The creative journeys that Galleria Antonio Verolino embarks on alongside its artists invariably lead to growth and mutual understanding. They involve intensive collaboration built on a creative approach that’s free from boundaries and barriers, and yields powerfully evocative and perpetually contemporary results. Antonio has combined his expertise in the world of textiles (carpets and tapestries) with a spirit of innovation that delves unostentatiously into every nuance of art in the here and now. That’s why Galleria Antonio Verolino not only invites established artists to explore the ancient and magical medium of textile (with striking results that elicit lasting admiration), but also serves as a melting pot and workshop for unique talents, where the outcome of the artistic process is a tangible dream that you can live, use and breathe.

Where we are.

Standing at the end of Via Farini, Galleria Antonio Verolino is located in Piazza Roma, an extensive square recently restored to its original beauty, in the vibrant heart of Modena. The location owes much of its appeal to the Palazzo Ducale, a magnificent 17th Century palace that now hosts the Military Academy, one of the city’s many badges of honour. But while the sublimely elegant Baroque palace clearly plays the starring role, the piazza – once a royal square that played host to kings and popes visiting the Este family in the days of the duchy – provides a worthy stage. This stage also features Ciro Menotti, the Modenese patriot who made history for his part in the uprisings of 1831. Immortalised by the sculptor Cesare Sighinolfi, Menotti now casts his eye towards that same gilded drawing-room where – legend has it – Duke Francis IV signed his death warrant.